Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
An Art Exchange if you want something fun while waiting...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
a bit worried about the books

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Question for everyone
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Jennifers moly on the way to Carolina
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Merrily Merrily Merrily

I am so psyched I finished Roshnii's moly this evening! The scan doesn't capture the depth of color in it or the metalic pens so you'll have to wait to see the real thing when it arrives with each of you.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sharon's moleskine off to Carolina ^^
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do hope you can make this out, I think my scanner is playing up a bit and it certainly doesn't like the folds. The original is not patchy like this. I decided to incorporate bees and flowers - apple blossom and daffodils and two sorts of beehives, an old skip and modern national hives. Hope you like it Jen
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, here's my effort!! I chose the theme of "Flowers" but I don't really mind what people do - as long as there's a flower somewhere!! As nasturtiums are the only things that are ramaging through my garden at the moment I was a bit limited in choice of flower. I should have started this in the Spring.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
I got stuck in!
I had a strong feeling to start the image with a pregnant woman, the rest evolved from there. It took me a little while to let go of the critic inside and just let the drawing flow, which is the approach I was hoping for.

So far I have worked in pencil only. I am going to add colour.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
got my Moly in the post today and am ready to start! Look forward to receiving everyones as one of the other Moly groups I'm in seems to have died a death and come to a complete halt. It started in March and I haven't received one yet so do hope that this group grows and goes from strength to strength.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
First Entry!
I had already drawn a rough sketch to work from so it was just a matter of bringing my idea from the ethers into form.

Lately I've been working a lot with a combination of markers & pens starting out with a light pencil sketch which I then work into with layers of permanent colored marker, pitt pens in sepia & sanguine, microns, opaque markers, gel pens & metallic pens. I love the richness and saturation I can get with these and the speed and ease of use with them.

In addition to the start of the spread, I also illustrated the inside cover page which contains all my contact info and such (blurred for public privacy purposes)

I still want to create something for the very front cover however I think I may create it separately and glue it on when it comes back to me completed to protect it from wear and tear on the road. I also want to decorate the back pocket as well as design a set of hexagon shaped tags for everyone to sign in so that the book has a special place for each of us.
I hope you all have as much fun creating yours as I have had doing mine & may it perahps help to get you excited for your own process!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Should we start sending them out the 15th of October or sooner? Maybe later?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Theme: Stream of Consciousness
I have had a pretty busy week, so haven't got round to posting my theme until now.
I have chosen the theme 'Stream of Consciousness'. It is not so much a theme as a way of working.
I have been exploring using a stream of consciousness approach in creative writing - you can see some on my blog. The idea is that you write - or in this case draw, paint etc. without letting your mind do much thinking.
Instead you sort of let the image draw itself without editing or criticising. I have found it to be an amazing way of working with writing, as things come up that never would have done if I had tried to control the process. So I am curious to see what happens with visual art.
I hope you can all get into working in this way. Just let it flow!
Let me know if you have any questions about it.
I have my moleskine now, so I suppose I better get drawing!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Theme: Everyday
The backpocket in the moly is also very handy, I'm thinking of putting small inspirational pictures or words in there; an inspirationpocket!
Do you think the theme will be okai? :3
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009

Mailing Dates & ...
hey, i'm carolina!
Ready, Set, Go
so, I have taken a few steps. I ordered my moleskine, sent me address to Carolina and received Jen's address.
So now I need to think of a theme. Once my sketchbook arrives, I am ready to get started.
How are the rest of you getting on?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jenn asks:
I am curious as to the logistics of the next phase. As of now we've got you, me and Mjux following the blog. So obviously we'll all need molys (got mine) and figure out our themes. Who coordinates the mailing schedule? What kind of time frame do we have for prepping our molys before they launch? Who is responsible for collecting everyones' mailing addresses and servings as the point person?
Do you recommend tracking confirmation with mailing?
With a group of 5 do we do all of our pages in one shot or do we send it around for 2 goes?
Is there anything I am not asking that I should be?
Marty answers:
Yes, you all need molys, Moleskine Japanese fold pocket sketchbooks, http://www.amazon.com/Moleskine-Japanese-Pocket-Notebooks-Calendars/dp/1601100043/ref=pd_sbs_op_2 .
For mailing, you may choose to follow the rotation listed on the right, or you can change the rotation. Simply send a flicker mail to the person you will be sending your books to requesting her mailing address.
The moly_x guidelines suggest that each artist complete and mail her entry within a month. Entries may be 2-4 pages. The exchange is more interactive if you go around twice, but keeping people interested and comitted for 1 1/2 years is a challenge. Up to you all.
You will have other questions. I recommend that you post your questions on the blog and on the moly_x discussion board. I think that there will be many with the same ?s. There will also be many different answers to choose from.
How's that?
Thanks for the questions. Communication is key. Also, please let your group know when receive and send a book.
Concept & Guidelines (as reposted from Flickr)
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My name is Roshnii. I live by the sea in Hove (the less famous end of Brighton), UK.
I am a full-time Mum at the moment to my 9 month old son, so most of my activities these days are connected to him.
My name is Oda, going by Mjux. (I'm female, seeing as Oda is a male japanese name I'd like to state that sooner than later<3)
I'm norwegian and 18 years old, currently in my last year of high school where I'm taking art as a speciality. In the future I hope to attend an art school but that'll have to wait till my economy is secure.
I'm quite experimental with my art and I dislike being stuck to one direction (though I won't experiment in your moly, of course). My favourites are colourpencils and ink in moleskine, but also collages and some kinds of marker.
My inspiration range from colours to pretty objects. I'm more visual than spiritual as I never seem to get my thoughts out of my head(therefore they stay there and I go by estethically pleasing).
I really hope we'll get this group on the run and create lots of wonderful art in eachothers moleskines. I don't think it'll be a problem if we all try to stay on time. Of course life can get in the way and if it does I'd love it if you could make a post here alerting the others about it (:
If one of us should loose intrest, making a post alerting about that would be great too, so we can sort something out.
Other than that, the questions on the bottom of Jen's post are important, and we should try to sort them out as soon as possible so we can get going <3
Greetings & Questions
Hello, I'm Jen (aka Langelbleu).