Saturday, December 5, 2009

a bit worried about the books

hey girls!
i'm posting here to give you some information about the books i sent to Roshnii.

this is my moly:
(the book left brazil on november 26)

this is oda's moly (everyday):
(the book left brazil on december 4)

so girls, as you can see... postal service here is late.
i'll post sharon's book on monday/tuesday and then i'll ask what's happening.

i am sorry, Roshnii.


  1. Considering that the holiday season is upon us, this delay in the process seems like it is coming at one of the better times in the year for it ;-)

  2. We're in no rush^^ It's close to christmas. Time to celebrate the earth, santa and the beautiful things in life like different chairs around the table, silent songs and the empty spaces <3
    The molys will arrive eventually^^

  3. I just got the first of the molys - Listening to Music.
    I will make a start on it as soon as I can.

  4. Hi,
    I got the second moly today.
    What I would like to do is get the first one done by the end of this week, then leave a little gap before working on and sending off the next one, so that we can break it up a bit.

    Does that sound ok? I don't really like having more than one at a time, as it feels like it is all a bit out of sync - a bit of a pile-up. Although, I know it can be unavoidable with slow postal systems.

  5. Roshnii, I think waiting so that we stay in sync sounds like a good plan. If there was ever a time for a little bit of a lull in the process now is a good one imho.
