Thursday, September 10, 2009

Concept & Guidelines (as reposted from Flickr)

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Ann-D is a group administrator Ann-D Pro User says:

What is the Moleskine Exchange?

Each artist will set off with a small Japanese (accordian) folded Moleskine. Creating a drawing, collage, or painting, then send on to the next artist. Each artist will draw on a spread (2 or 3 pages) then send it on to the next artist. When the artists book is filled, it will be returned to the owner with images created by artist around the world. Each artist has a month to make an entry. The outcome will be a pleasant and surprising adventure, as artists are encouraged to interact and merge their art with others.

Project begun by Marty Harris, Minnesota, USA.

The concept:
1. The artists start with the Japanese fold Moleskine - Name, address, email address written in book.

2. Each artist gets 1 month to make a sketchbook entry, and mail it to the next person. The order is listed to the right.

3. Each artist will do 2-3 pages each round.

4. Artists are encouraged to interact with other images in the book. Please be respectful.

5. When the book is full, when one side of the unfolded book is filled, the book will be sent back to its original owner. That artist may continue by buying a new book and sending it to the next person.

6. If a person decides not to continue, she will simply keep her book when it comes back to her. She should email all of the participants to say she is not going to continue. We will decide, then, if we want to find a new person.

7. Please communicate regularly via email. Let each person know that you have received/sent the book. The goal is to have a dialogue. Any comments and questions are welcome.
Posted at 5:19PM, 17 April 2008 EDT ( permalink )

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Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel is a group administrator Kathrin Jebsen-Marwedel Pro User says:

Hi to all members and fans ;-)

May I remember you to add the following informations whenever you post a contribution here in the group: (Please change the interrogation marks in the 2nd link into the number of the group of which you're member of)

This drawing was done as part of moly_x: international sketchbook exchange, Please visit moleskinex??

I think it becomes more and more important, because this group is growing lightning fast and it's more easy to keep track of all entries if we add this additional information.


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