Monday, September 28, 2009


got my Moly in the post today and am ready to start! Look forward to receiving everyones as one of the other Moly groups I'm in seems to have died a death and come to a complete halt. It started in March and I haven't received one yet so do hope that this group grows and goes from strength to strength.


  1. Hopefully since we are a nice small group and all seem pretty motivated we'll move at a nice clip. I can just imagine how incredibly frustrating it must be to have launched a moly and to sit in limbo for 6 whole months, imho that is ridiculous!

    It looks like you've been creating Moly's for a while with some degree of success in the portrait & pinup groups. I am glad we have at least one veteran among us.

    BTW I just sent you an email with my moly package to confirm that I did indeed address it correctly.
    Once I have confirmation from you Sharon I will send it over the pond.

  2. BTW I just edited our list to include everyone's theme. Since you mentioned flowers as your theme via flickr I included that, however if you have another idea it is easy to edit by clicking on the tools on the side.
