Thursday, June 17, 2010

An Invitation for Making More Art

About a year ago another artist turned me on to Artist Trading Cards. What I adore about them is that because they are limited to 2.5"x3.5" cards, they are so immediate and portable it is easy and satisfying to make art even in the midst of a hectic life. I started to fantasize about having an exhibit at Sanctuary after I'd been making them for a few months. Well this dream is becoming a reality and I am curating my very first ever international ATC show called Please Mr Postman in August 2010. Now here's where you come in... My BIG fat ATC dream is to have at least 1000 different cards from all over the world by all kinds of different people of all ages and levels of creative experience participating. All art will be gratefully welcomed and shown regardless of skill level. I am asking you (perhaps begging is more accurate) to be part of my dream. PLEASE MAKE ART for this Amazing Event! This is the link to our Facebook Event please join us there if you are so inclined This is the link to a handy dandy PDF for everything you would want to know about making this happen and being a part of it.

If you really want to be part of this, and you do not want to cut your own cards to size you can find precut ones on Amazon or in most art supply stores here's a link

ANDDDD if you just simply cant deal with addressing an envelope to us, printing your own submission form, and getting some ATC blanks for yourself. I've made some handy dandy kits to get you started. They contain everything to get you going, you just make the art and send it back to me. Please either pop on over to Sanctuary to pick one up or if you are not in Maine, just let me know if you need me to mail one to you.

You get to decide if you want to receive your own artwork back or if you want the extra fun of getting back another person's art and either adding to your already existing ATC collection or launching a new way to spend your free time.

I am sure this is going to be an amazing exhibit. I have already received my first submission and I'm in the process of making a card a day till we hang the show in August.

Thank you for being you. Thank you for being creative!
Thank you for making the world a more beautiful place!
Thank you in advance for helping me to make this show a whopping success!

BTW PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD far and wide, Please Please Please repost this, tell your friends, tell your acquaintances, tell your high school rivals whom you haven't spoken to in 15 years!

BIG BIG BIG love and creative wishes to you!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Checking In

So what's happening?
Sharon did you get your moly back yet from my posting it?
Roshnii are you making progress with mine or do you want to send it back for me to finish?
Oda have you received yours back yet?
Carolina how about you?

It seems like we're totally losing momentum. Even the people who've expressed a desire to continue have been really quiet.
At this point I have plenty on my plate to do without continuing this moly exchange and I will not be heartbroken if it fades, I am however down for continuing if there is some sincere interest from the rest of you.
Let me know where you are all at please.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

listening to music back home

hey! i got my moly back on friday.
it's beautiful!
thank you girls for doing such nice work. (:

Monday, March 22, 2010

2 molys off to Sharon

I finally got to the post office today!!!
Sharon's moly is going back to her as well as Oda's.
At this point I have drawn in each moly and I await the return of mine from Roshnii when it is completed.

So I know that Oda is keeping her moly and dropping out of this exchange.
This leaves Sharon, Carolina, Roshnii and me. I know that Sharon and I have both expressed interest in continuing and from Carolina's last post I suspect she'd like to continue too. So this leaves Roshnii's plans to be confirmed.

So with 4 of us left we could do another round of 2-3 pages each to complete our moly's for this round and then start a new round. I'd love to see if we can add 1 or 2 new people to replace Oda since she is leaving us.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

stream of conciousness going back home

yesterday I posted roshnii's book back to her. (:

Monday, March 15, 2010

I completed Sharon's moly and it is ready to send back to her along with Oda's everyday moly.
I do have a question.
Currently there are 9 blank pages remaining in this moly.
If you would like Sharon, I could add 2 more at the back of the book which leaves room for 2 pages for everyone except you the owner who'd get 1. Or I could wait till it comes back to me, or whatever you'd like. I figured since there is so little left in the book it might be satisfying to have more done when you receive it soon.

Let me know what you think of these ideas and what you'd prefer.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy to go round again with or without a different subject!

Friday, March 12, 2010

so... what should we do now?

hey girls!

as we are getting close to complete the moly circle i think we should discuss what are we going to do about the books..
maybe the books will be sent home and the owner decides what to do?
or are we going to do the travel circle again?
invite more people to join us?

so if someone have an idea...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I finished Oda's everyday and am getting it ready to send out. I apologize for the delay on this, travel and life got me distracted and busy.
I have already penciled Sharon's Flowers so if I am inspired I might just get that done tonight and put both moly's in the same post off to her tomorrow AM.
If not this will go out soon at the very least.`

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Carolinas moleskine

I just finished my part in Carolina's moly.
It'll hopefully be on its way to you tomorrow, or as soon as I get near a postoffice :3
(click the picture to see it sharply)

'Flowers' sent off

Hi, I sent Sharon's Flowers moly off to Jen last Thursday. I still have 'Bee Magic' to work on now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Returning from lying low

Hi girls,
Just wanted to apologise for my lack of activity lately. As I mentioned in a recent comment, I have not been feeling very well for the last couple of weeks so the two moleskines that I have are still sitting on my desk waiting for some action.

I finally am starting to feel nearly 100% and have some inspiration to get drawing again, so I plan to make my contribution to 'Flowers' in the next few days. Then I will move onto 'Bee Magic', which will bring me to the beginning of the sketchbook circle.

Hope you are all well. Be in touch again soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hi Oda Posted this to you on 10 FEbruary - let's see how long this one takes to reach you!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

The muse came fairly quickly!!! Will post this on in the next few days.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Have received "Listening to Music" today! Will get busy thinking about it!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

hey girls!
i'm again worried with the books. /=
i sent sharon's and jennifer's moly to roshinii...
and you, roshinni got no one, i am right?
i don't know. she shoul have received sharon's, at least.

this post is just to tell you that, girls.
i am sorry again. maybe i should not get part on this kind of thing anymore. /=

Thursday, January 28, 2010

On the way

Done^^ Roshnii's moly will be on its way to Carolina tomorrow. Is there a moly on the way to me yet?

Monday, January 25, 2010

A pleasant surprise.

Look what I found in my mailbox ten minutes ago.

It's Roshnii's moleskine! That Sharon sent from the UK 21st December! No wonder it took a month and some more, just look:

The distance from the UK to Norway is extreme! It's like.. an hour and a half by plane. No wonder it took so long.... ;)
I'm tremendously pleased that it's here though, and I'll draw in it as soon as possible, and send it of <3

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My entry for everyday

I didn't add colour to this one.
See my Flickr page for a closer look.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Listening to Music

so I just completed Carolina's Moly the bottom of the slippers got cut off when I straightened the scan but this gives you an idea of what I did. I'll be packing er up and sending it off to Sharon tomorrow if I can get to the post office before work, otherwise soon. I'll let you know when I've posted it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Happy new year everybody. It's a brand new year, and we're still going strong!

I'm still waiting for Roshnii's moleskine to pop down into my mailbox, but I'm sure it'll be here by the week.

How are the rest of you doing? :)