Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Carolinas moleskine

I just finished my part in Carolina's moly.
It'll hopefully be on its way to you tomorrow, or as soon as I get near a postoffice :3
(click the picture to see it sharply)

'Flowers' sent off

Hi, I sent Sharon's Flowers moly off to Jen last Thursday. I still have 'Bee Magic' to work on now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Returning from lying low

Hi girls,
Just wanted to apologise for my lack of activity lately. As I mentioned in a recent comment, I have not been feeling very well for the last couple of weeks so the two moleskines that I have are still sitting on my desk waiting for some action.

I finally am starting to feel nearly 100% and have some inspiration to get drawing again, so I plan to make my contribution to 'Flowers' in the next few days. Then I will move onto 'Bee Magic', which will bring me to the beginning of the sketchbook circle.

Hope you are all well. Be in touch again soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hi Oda Posted this to you on 10 FEbruary - let's see how long this one takes to reach you!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

The muse came fairly quickly!!! Will post this on in the next few days.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Have received "Listening to Music" today! Will get busy thinking about it!!!